
9 August 2014



If you are tired of belly fat, there are few steps you need to follow to reduce your belly fat or stomach. There are 7 foods that burn stomach fat. They are:

Vegetables: vegetables are a great source of fiber and anti-oxidants and eating vegetables will fill your stomach without increasing your caloric intake. Eating a variety of vegetables will provide your body with essential nutrients including calcium, protein, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B & others.

Whole Grains: Replacing white flour foods with whole grain foods will increase nutrients, that you are getting from your food. Whole grains provide your body with fiber, folic acid, vitamin E and magnesium.

Oatmeal: Eating oatmeal for breakfast will provide your body with high amounts of fiber, which reduces the chance of low blood sugar levels. Starting your day out with whole grain oatmeal will help you to avoid the mid-morning snacking. You will also be getting protein and other vitamins and minerals that help with weight loss.

Lean Meat: It contains protein. Lean protein is essential on any weight loss diet and meat is a good source of protein. Avoid processed meats and focus mainly on eating natural, organic white meat such as chicken and fish.

Eggs: It Increasing your protein intake. It is an easy way to burn stomach fat and eggs have a high amount of protein. Eggs also provide your body with other nutrients, such as vitamin B12 which helps to release fat cells.

Olive Oil: Healthy fats are an essential part of burning stomach fat. It provides your body with the good kind of fat called mono-unsaturated fat.

Nuts: Nuts are another source of good fats, although you need to be careful not to go overboard with your nut consumption because they are high in calories. Eating nuts will provide you with fat-burning protein as well as fiber, vitamins and minerals.



WATER: Adequate water can actually reverse atherosclerosis. It seems that water can actually flush the arteries of plaque. It also expands blood vessels and makes arteries more elastic, which is essential for healthy hearts. It is believed that, adequate hydration raises the metabolism and allows for stored fat to be burned more efficiently as well as slowing heart rate, reducing blood pressures (BP) and reducing fluid retention.

NOTE: It is suggested to drink enough water to make your urine clear and colourless all day. Take Limit coffee/tea and 3 cups a day.

BREAKFAST: Breakfast should include at least 4grams of fiber, which in turn reduces cholesterol and fat in the blood. Every 10 grams of cereal fiber reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes by 30%. It also reduces cancer and diabetes risk. Good sources of fiber are cereals, dried beans and lentiles. It is suggested adding nuts and seeds to breakfast cereal and to have a whole piece of fruit as well. Whole wheat toast, a bagel/bran muff is not a good source of fiber. It's important that one eats breakfast within 30 minutes of waking. It also reduces the risk of cancers by preventing absorption of carcinogens and reduces cholesterol by preventing its absorption. It is suggested that breakfast should be the limited. So, in other words, our bodies become more efficient to burn those calories when we eat a good breakfast.

VEGETABLES: Choose at least two different vegetables at lunch. Eat a minimum of one cup of vegetables at each meal, then eat the rest of your meal. Rice, potato and corn are starches and are not counted/considered as vegetables.

MEAT: Eat a maximum of four ounces of meat, pork, chicken/fish a day.

WALKING: Walk for atleast 15-30 minutes every night after lunch. The benefits of walking after lunch compared to walking before lunch are many. It can lower your blood sugar by 50%, but best of all when one exercises as described above, your body is burning calories the whole time you sleep.

CHECKUP YOUR WEIGHT REGULARLY: It is suggested to check your weight regularly and maintain according to body mass index (BMI).

It is always suggested to follow the below steps:
- Take breakfast with adequate fiber.
- Take sufficient water.
- Do activity after lunch.
- Take daily fiber contained stuff.
- Take daily vegetable intake.



- Our heart beats around 100000 times a day, 36500000 times a year and over a billion times if
   you live beyond 30.
- Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are created inside the bone marrow.
- It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
- Length of thumb is the same with nose.
- The lungs contain over 300,000 million capillaries. If they were laid end to end, they would
   stretch 2400km.
- Every drop of blood in human body is filtered by the body over 300 times a day.
- The ovum is the largest cell in the human body.
- The smallest is the male sperm cell; it is one-tenth of the diameter of a human hair.
- Adult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square meters.
- The stapes is the smallest bone in the body. It's located in the inner ear.
- The acid in stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
- Nose and Ears continue growing throughout entire life.
- Each person has a unique tongue print just like the finger-prints.

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- Enamel is hardest substance in the human body.
- Blood is 6 times thicker than water.
- All babies are color blind when they are born, they only see black & white.
- The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.
- It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
- The adult body is made up of: 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, 600 muscles, and 22 internal organs.
- Bones in an adult account for 14% of the body's total weight.
- A baby born with 300 bones in their body; but an adult have 206 bones.
- 200 muscles used to take one step.
- The strongest bone in your body is the femur (thighbone) and it's hollow. It is also the longest and
   largest bone in Human body.
- The normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute.
- Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.

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- The largest organ in the body is the skin.
- The liver is the largest gland and the largest internal organ in the human body.
- The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body.
- An average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime.
- The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
- The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood to 30 feet.
- The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself.
- Our kidneys filter about 1.3 liters of blood every minute & expel up to 1.4 liters of urine in a day.
- The only part of the body without blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly
   from the air.
- 14 bones make up the human face.

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Sri Subramanya Swamy - Abhishekam Video

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