1. How many bushels will you find a gallon?
2. Orthoptera is the scientific name for _____.
3. What is the transit of Venus?
4. A rough, steep rock or point of rock is called _____.
5. The Positive, heavy particle of the nucleus of an atom is?
6. How are infrared rays produced?
7. Neptune was discovered in _____.
8. The first international satellite was launched on _____.
9. Who invented the three laws of Robotics in his science fiction?
1. 8
2. Grasshoppers
3. The transit occurs when the planet Venus, revolving round the sun, inside the earth’s orbit, passes across the sun’s face and is seen as a small black dot on the SUN’s surface
4. A crag
5. A Proton
6. Radiated Heat
7. 1846
8. April 26, 1962
9. Isaac Asimov